Why dry brushing?🧼


Do you want enviably smooth and beautiful skin? Buy a suitable brush and make your skin baby soft! We'll give you some tips on how to get started. As you know, cellulite is a great enemy of modern women. Dry brushing is actually one of the easiest home remedies to prevent and reduce cellulite.



Why dry brush?


The main task of dry brushing is to remove superficial dead skin cells and activate superficial circulation. This ensures better metabolism in the skin, better skin complexion on the whole body, better skin elasticity and finally revitalization of the lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is the main organiser, cleaner and responsible for maintenance of the body. One of the tasks of the lymphatic circulation is the elimination of certain metabolic residues from the body (transport to the kidneys and out of the body from there). These are waste products that are not removed by normal venous circulation.

In order for the lymphatic system to work properly, it needs a so-called muscle pump, i.e. sufficiently correct movement. Excessive aerobic training hinders the work of the lymphatic system. Therefore, all those whose favorite sport is aerobic exercise and who have developed cellulite should definitely do dry brushing in addition. Also, too little movement and constantly sitting in a chair also prevent lymphatic circulation. In any case, you should find a movement that suits you, but even then it is good to help the lymphatic circulation a little by dry brushing.

The lymphatic circulation is naturally also affected by the work of the body's hormones. It is the hormonal imbalance that can give an extra boost to the overload in the lymphatic circulation. All this together creates such a popular problem for women today as cellulite. Cellulite is not always a problem for fat people. You can be a completely normal weight person or even a thinner person, but cellulite grows in certain places. And a boring person may not have it at all, for example.

Dealing with cellulite at the right and slow pace balances the menstrual cycle and gives a better mood, and these two in turn increase stress tolerance.



When should you not dry brush?


* With fever and three days after fever;

* Skin with extensive rashes, open wounds, abscesses, pimples;

* During pregnancy (if you have done regular dry brushing before pregnancy, you can continue, but you must not start during pregnancy);

* It is not advisable to do it during breastfeeding, because residual substances can get into the baby's body (if the mother does not consume enough liquid);

* For the diagnosis of tumors (if removed, not to be done within the next 8 years);

* Be careful after drinking a lot of alcohol the night before;

* There should be a gap of at least one week after vaccination;



How should you dry brush your skin?


* Always brush in the direction of your heart.

* Brush all over the body, including the neck, soles of the feet and palms.

* Start brushing from the feet and move up the body.

* Avoid the face, intimate area and areas of broken or irritated skin.

* The pressure on the brush should be moderate, but not strong.

* A brushing session could last 10-20 minutes.

* The movements should be circular and slightly pulling.



After brushing?


* Drink room temperature water (definitely not cold) or warm tea (without sugar).

* Green tea, ginger, pepper, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, cold-pressed cooking oil, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, nuts (except peanuts), beans, peas, fish and chicken also promote the cleansing of the lymphatic system.

* Under no circumstances drink coffee immediately. You can drink coffee later. Unfortunately, alcohol, black tea, red meat, sugar, flour and peanuts can prevent the cleansing of the lymphatic system.

* Some moisturizing cream, oil or body milk can be applied to the body.

* It is not recommended to do water treatments for 2 hours after dry brushing.

* To achieve effective and quick results, dry skin brushing should be included in your daily activities.

* You wash your brush with soap and water every week and leave it to dry overnight in an airy place.

* The skin should not be rubbed too hard. After brushing, the skin may be slightly pink, but never red or tender.

Which brush to choose?

* Choose a brush made of natural bristles. No to synthetics!

* Make sure the bristles are close and soft, yet firm and stiff enough to have an impact when brushing.

* Make sure the brush is comfortable to hold.


10 amazing benefits of dry brushing


1. Removes cellulite.

2. Cleanses the lymphatic system.

3. Removes dead skin cells.

4. Strengthens the immune system.

5. Improves the work of sebaceous glands.

6. Tightens the skin.

7. Increases muscle tone.

8. Stimulates blood circulation.

9. Improves the work of the nervous system.

10. Accelerates digestion.


Check out our brush here.

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